
2015 11 20 - 11 21
Holiday Inn Vilnius, Šeimyniškių g. 1

Lithuanian Forum on Hypertension

Lithuanian Society of Hypertension is organizing a Lithuanian Hypertension Forum on 20-th to 21-st November, 2015. The meeting is an autumn conference of our national society and covers a variety of very important topics in cardiovascular medicine and arterial hypertension management. The meeting also has an international faculty of well known highest level top speakers in the field.  

The main objectives of the course is to cover the such topics as how to improve control of blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors, advances in arterial hypertension and emerging risk factors treatment, prognostic value of target organ damage and non-adherence to therapy. By the end of the meeting the attendees will be able to:

•             Recognize and recall major concepts in cardiovascular disease prevention

•             Compare and contrast alternative approaches in terms of better cardiovascular risk factor control

•             Evaluate major hypertension studies in terms of their methods, results, conclusions & implications

•             Apply results or findings of major clinical studies to real world situations

•             Analyze and synthesize concepts and theories in medication adherence and applied medical psychology

•             Communicate ideas in preventive medicine across patients and other professionals 
